“I have lost so many keys! Now, I use my phone instead. That's so nice!"
Daniel Hjellestad
Styremedlem, Langeriden Borettslag
Unloc works on all types of locks; entrance doors, apartment doors, garage gates, bike sheds, laundry rooms and even mailboxes.
As a board member, you are in control of who has access to the building. Residents get the mobile keys in the Unloc app, and use it to open doors and share keys with others.
To make sure all residents are satisfied, your old keys will still work.
"Our goal is that 80% of apartments we manage will use Unloc within a few years."
Control who has access with a few clicks.
Open doors for any visitor when they are outside. You can even set opening hours or dynamically change who is shown on the list.
We do not own any locks or access control devices.
Instead, we build software.
Yes! One of the major benefits with Unloc is that we integrate with the best smartlock- and access solution providers on the market, so that you can choose the right lock for your needs and budget for your apartment door (- or any door, really)!
With Unloc both on the entrance doors in the apartment building, and on your apartment door — you can enjoy completely keyless entry and store all your mobile keys in the Unloc app!
Unloc is an affordable monthly subscription that varies due to different factors, including how many doors you want mobile keys to, and the number of apartments. There is no binding period and we offer volume discounts for larger co-ops.
Reach out to us to get a specified offer for your apartment building.
Oh yes! We collaborate closely with all the leading Housing associations in Norway, and some of the largest property managers in the Nordics (and more to come). Therefore, it's solid chance that your Housing association already offers Unloc to their housing cooperatives.
Reach out to them (or us) and ask about it.